

时间:2023-06-14 07:53:19 文/刘莉莉 推荐信北考网www.beiweimall.com

dear director,

  this is to recommend ms lin for admission to the john f.graduate school of business of duquesne university. i have acquainted with ms lin since 20xx,when she entered hunan industry polytechnic,school of business and economy. her academic record over the past 5 years has shown her to be one of our brightest students. what’s more,until now she was the first and the only student who has got her bachelor’s degree in less than 3 years via self-study examination which is very challenging and difficult.

  in addition,ms lin is a student with very agreeable personality so that she gets on well with people. as my teaching assistant during the 5 years of schooling,she showed great potentials and capabilities in organization and leadership. for example,in summer of 20xx.she organized a series of practical activities such as marketing research on the operation mode of a-best supermarket which is one of the best supermarkets in china and accounting internship under professor sha in 20xx.besides,her spoken english is better than that of the average students in our department .in addition to being the english-chinese translator in our department and teaching assistant of the foreign teacher mr trail. she had been the english host in a great number of chinese –australian culture –exchange activities with remarkable humor and flexibility.

  i was completely shocked by her overwhelming perseverance and fighting spirit which were clearly demonstrated in the sport program ”women’s 5000-metre running ”in national university sports meeting. ms lin won the great honor for our school with silver medal and golden medal respectively in 20xx and 20xx.with this striking personality,i am very happy and confident to recommend her to get a further study in the area of accounting because i believe she could do well in whatever she was determined to do with interest .if you have any further questions about ms lin,please let me know and i will try to supply whatever information you need.

  yours sincerely,

  shiping lei,

  professor of economy


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