

时间:2023-06-03 08:47:40 文/黄飞 推荐信北考网www.beiweimall.com



  Sample Therapy Recommendation

  It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I am writing to endorse ________'s application to your program. For the last 25 years at _________ University, I have been a psychotherapist and instructor in the Counseling and Student Development Center, as well as supervisor to many interns and social work students. I hope my perspective will be helpful to you as you eva luate this exceptional candidate.

  My first contact with_______ was during the summer of 1997, when she organized a summer conference outside of _________ for teenagers interested in communication skills. During the course of the week, _______ presented material with such ease and humor that she set the tone for the entire workshop. Her creative ideas for presentations and activities were inventive and entertaining; they were also astonishingly effective.

  With participants from a variety of backgrounds, there was often conflict, and occasionally confrontation. While setting limits, _______ managed to respond consistently with respect and compassion. The experience had a profound effect on the participants and, because of _______'s exceptional skill and professionalism, she has been invited by many schools to offer similar workshops

  During the time I have known ________, she has distinguished herself as a conscientious and energetic pioneer in the field of social and emotional learning. I have enormous respect for her teaching and leadership skills, and have been pleased to work with her on many occasions.

  Two years ago, __________ was invited by _________ University Counseling Center to consult to our Peer Counseling program. I was eager to have such an extraordinary teacher help with the training of the students and the development of the program. Her skills, which were so apparent in Lithuania, were equally impressive in the United States. She was an eager, enthusiastic teacher who was greatly admired by the Hopkins students. She led group discussions and facilitated role-plays with great skill, and also helped in the development of outreach programs. She is particularly gifted at identifying students' needs, encouraging their contributions, and involving them in the planning process. Her commitment and passion for her work was evident as we worked together during that year, and she became a close friend and colleague during the visit.

  I know of _________'s continued interest in programs related to social competence and emotional development. She has instituted many impressive programs for school children and families, and it has been an honor to consult with her on some of these projects . I have the greatest admiration for her work.

  Your program of study sounds ideally suited to ________'s needs and talents. She will be coming to you with the qualities of a natural therapist: genuineness, warmth, compassion, and integrity. She will also bring her interest in scholarly research and program development. Just as importantly, she would come with an enthusiasm for both learning and teaching, well as a resolute desire to understand new theories and ideas. It is exciting to think of the ways in which she might contribute to your program.

  I urge you to carefully consider ________ who is, quite simply, the most remarkable teacher I have ever met.


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