

时间:2023-06-03 08:16:27 文/阿林 推荐信北考网www.beiweimall.com


Huazhong university of science and technology:

  We hereby introduce our comrade to apply for a master's degree in your university. The basic information of this comrade is as follows: comrade graduated from major in July 2000, bachelor's degree, and passed the national level 6 examination.

  Comrade is the communist party, diligence respect-work, steadfast rigorous, performance outstanding, unity colleagues, multiple organizational units staff various trade unions to participate in school activities, and organizational unit staff colleagues to help the people in need, in the unit interior has formed a good atmosphere of mutual aid, 2004 annual appraisal was awarded the excellent staff education technology center.

  Comrade since years into this unit in a solid theory, business ability, innovation, give full play to their professional expertise, is responsible for the education technology center laboratory network system, digital multimedia broadband network system, CAI multimedia on demand project technology such as network system management, complete the task well. In the last five years, five scientific research papers have been published, which has played a very important role in the improvement of the management level of the post.

  Excellent work performance, strong management ability, organization and coordination ability and high professional skill level. I have a deep understanding of network engineering project management and project technology, and put forward many constructive Suggestions and solved many technical problems. Have high professional knowledge and rich experience in technical management, have good professional ethics and professionalism.

  After the company's research and decision, we agree to apply for your master's degree in your university.



  Company name (official seal) :

  Year month day


  Yan hui graduated from the PLA artillery academy in June 2010, and has been working as a developer in the technology department of Volkswagen information industry co., LTD since October 2012.

  闫辉 during comrades working in the public information industry co., LTD., steadfast completes the labor of duty, accumulate experience, and at the same time, theory with practice, constantly learning, constantly summary, fully familiar with and master the PHP development work. Get exercise and improve their own professional work ability. Usually pay attention to study, self-enhancement request. Every year, I participate in the education training for the developers.

  The comrade abides by the laws and regulations of the state, has a good professional ethics and professional dedication, loves his work, is diligent in research, is pragmatic, innovative, and has outstanding achievements in his work.

  The comrades have been around for many years engaged in PHP development, after many years of training, through its own unremitting efforts, work ability, knowledge level, and further improve the political quality, is an excellent staff, comrade agreed to recommend the application of on-the-job graduate student studying intention.

  January 8, xx


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