

时间:2023-06-19 17:09:45 文/阿林 推荐信北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Dear professor,

  As a professor who works in the field in accounting, xxx university, i am quite willing to write this letter of recommendation in support of miss. xxx in support of her application to undertake an advanced degree program at your esteemed university.

  During her undergraduate studies, the acquaintance between xxx and i remained fresh in my memory until now. all freshmen were excited for their new university life, at my first finance manage course, the classroom was filled with noise, at that time i raised my head to see a little girl in red talking about something with other student beside her. i was angry with her behavior and in order to maintain the lesson order i let her go out of the classroom seriously, at first she stopped her talking, then she went out of the classroom with grievance, at once the classroom became quiet and i began my lesson. after class she came to me and made apology for her behavior, then she explained to me that at that time she talked about how to learn accountant major with her classmate. when i got the real reason and i got a idea in my mind that this little girl would a promising development on the accountant which was confirmed by her full score in the finance management exam. she was the second student of getting full score in my teaching career. i was delighted by her great potential on accountant. with those considerations, i strongly support her in the current application efforts and your favorable consideration of his application will be duly appreciated.

  Judging by my observance of miss xxx, i am sure that you will find her a qualified candidate for your program. i would greatly appreciate it if you would favorably consider her application. should be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

  Sincerely yours,

  Professor: xxx


  Tel no.:xxxxx


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