

时间:2023-06-15 14:19:57 文/王明刚 推荐信北考网www.beiweimall.com







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  年 月 日


  nanshan school attached

  to beijing normal university



  dear sir/madam,

  im qilong wus counselor at nanshan school attached to beijing normal univeristy. i would like to recommend him to [the name of the university]. qilong has been one of my favorite students. i would like to express my view on his academic performance and general traits and, hence provide evidence for his application.

  qilong successfully enrolled into the senior section in the school in september 2004. owing to his excellent academic performance, he was awarded a school scholarship. he has shown a great respect to teachers. he is also an industrious, open-minded, friendly and happy child. all these positive characteristics brought him a number of awards over the years. he is kind and willing to help others; and has been an excellent exemplar to his peers. being actively participating in charity work, he has developed a strong sense of responsibility and the ability as a leader. he was recommended to shenzhen red cross and has become one of its members.

  regarding his academic aptitude, he is a very independent learner and willing to take advice. he loves science and would like to pursue his career in this field in the future. intrigued by his personal interest, he excels in science subjects. as a good piano player and a sports lover, he is also an intellectually balanced person. however, he can be fairly careless in study and lacks calmness when encountering certain problems. nonetheless, i believe that he will make a great progress in his growth, both academically and personally. therefore, i sincerely would like to recommend him to embark on higher education in your university.

  if you are in need of any other relevant information about qilong, please do not hesitate to contact me via phone (86-755 2606XXXX exch.253 ) or email (aidXXX@tom.com).

  yours sincerely,

  aidi wang


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