

时间:2023-06-05 00:25:28 文/王明刚 推荐信北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Dear leader,


  I learned that your hospital needs a teacher in molecular spectroscopy. I am very glad to have the opportunity to recommend to you the graduate student of southwest institute of technology.

  xxx comrade graduated from the department of physics of southwest university in 1992 and has been engaged in laser spectroscopy since graduation. In 1994, I got a master's degree in molecular spectroscopy from southwest engineering college, and I have published two professional papers with me.

  xxx xxx *** work efforts, have a strong career-ambition, and have excellent performance in business. I have invited him many times to hold special lectures for undergraduate students at his Alma mater. He is good at expressing the profound and abstract knowledge.

  xxx will graduate in April this year, and he once told me that he would like to make a career out of education. If you need more detailed information about comrade *** *, I will be willing to provide.


  Dear leader,

  Hello! I would like to recommend XXX to your company. XXX was admitted to xx university for a doctorate in xx university. His position is firm and can be consistent with the CPC central committee and earnestly learn the party's policies and the important thoughts of the three representatives.

  The student studied hard, studied hard, and learned well. Basic knowledge is strong and has strong scientific research quality. I am good at finding problems and solving problems, have strong independent working ability, and can be practical in theory in scientific research work. I am good at working with teachers and classmates and helpful.

  During her doctoral thesis topic, apply scientific thinking methods and rigorous scientific research train of thought experiment design, familiar with the model of heterotopic heart transplantation in rats and the establishment of the common carotid artery balloon injury model, adenovirus transfection amplification, in vitro genetically modified (gm), PCR, immunohistochemical and flow cytological examination skills, and able to skilled application of SPSS data processing software for statistical analysis. Through literature review, open topic report, project implementation, data collation, thesis and other systematic training, this student has obtained good research ability.

  The student has the qualification of practicing medicine, and has many years of experience in surgical experience before pursuing his doctoral degree. He can deal with the problems of common diseases, multiple pathogenesis and more complicated problems. In the previous clinical work, strict demands on oneself, the patient as the family, deep patient and family trust. No medical errors or accidents occurred during the work.

  This student has the experience of undergraduate course teaching and is competent for teaching. During the period of study for a doctorate, in addition to Dr Completion of clinical work and scientific research subject, also pays attention to summarize the clinical experience, wrote four papers, among them in the chest cardiovascular surgery journal and journal of Chinese organ transplantation published 2 papers.

  Through the study and exercise of the doctoral stage, the student has become a qualified clinical, teaching and research compound talent with high comprehensive quality.

  As the tutor of the student, I would like to recommend this student to work in your organization.

  Thank you!


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