

时间:2023-06-12 14:53:55 文/阿林 推荐信北考网www.beiweimall.com



  I am very pleased to have this opportunity to warmly recommend Mr. James Anderson for admission to the University of Texas at Austin. He is an outstanding person and a student of exceptional promise who can contribute substantially to your program.

  我很高兴推荐Mr. James Anderson到德州奥斯汀就读。他是一个非常出色的学生,前途无量,会对贵校的项目贡献很大。

  In my capacity as Mary Thompson’s direct supervisor at Wal-Mart and as a Columbia M.B.A. who has interacted with multiple Wharton alumni over my 20-year career, I strongly believe Mary is a uniquely compelling candidate for your M.B.A. program.

  我是Mary Thompson在沃尔玛的直接主管。鄙人在哥大完成MBA学习,在20年的工作中,也得以认识很多沃顿商学院的校友。我坚信Mary Thompson也将是你们M.B.A项目非常有竞争力的候选人。

  Last year, 26 Nebraska students asked me to write recommendation letters for them. For some, I encouraged them to consider other professors. For many, I did my best to study the materials they provided so I’d remember them clearly enough to help them. For only three did I sit down to the task with the relish I bring to this letter for Donald Green.

  去年有26个学生找我帮他们写推荐信。对于其中一些学生,我建议他们去找其他教授写推荐信。对于大部分学生的.推荐信,我都只能靠着他们给我提供的信息才能回忆起他们的表现。但是其中有三个学生,包括Donald Green,给我留下了深刻的印象,所以很轻易的就完成了推荐信。

  I didn’t hesitate to agree to write this letter on behalf of Maria Garcia’s application to the University of Illinois. I believe her academic potential is very strong but, more than that, through her leadership at Santa Ysabel High School she has proved herself to be a person of character who deserves the quality education your program provides

  在Maria Garcia申请伊利诺伊大学之际,我非常愿意给她写这封信,对于她的学术能力,我深信不疑。更为重要的是她在Santa Ysabel高中期间已经完全证明了自己的领导能力,她是一个非常有个性的学生,完全符合你们项目的要求。


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