Admission Office
Registrar&aposs Office
The University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
Dear Admission Office:
I am writing to strongly recommend Miss/Mr. XXXX for admission into the famous University of Waterloo.
Through teaching and informal consultation, I had chances to get to know her/him academic potentials and her/him ideals before she/he left for Canada. In my opinion she/he can be reliably graded as one of the best undergraduates here in 2002 grade students with majors in our department. Miss/Mr. is apparently a very bright student, with special interests and enjoyment in mathematics especially in passionate and innovative ways of tackling and solving various problems in mathematics. Perhaps her/his present mathematics scores in Canada could support my view. She/he has very good observatory skills in experiments and can easily glean essence from complicated concepts, phenomena or conditions. Enthusiastic for novelty and creative thinkings and as evidence for leadership potentials, she can easily influence her/his classmates in both curricular and extracurricular activities, though only within not a long period before her/his transfer from this institution to another school in Canada, a brave move toward next stage of personal challenge and fulfilment.
I was particularly impressed by Miss/Mr. XXX career goal of aiming for excellence in academic education and achievements in her/his chosen field.Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance.
With best wishes.
Department of XXXXXX
XXXXX University of Technology
XXXXX, Shanghai 200000
People&aposs Republic of China
XXXXXXXX(A) hotmail.com
1. 被推荐人的基本情况介绍。侧重于个人的毕业时间、学校、所获学位以及个人的专业经历。
2. 出国留学推荐人对出国留学被推荐人的基本评价。侧重于被推荐人的专业基础、个性、特点、工作态度和在学术上的前途估计。若是推荐研究生,推荐人还需进一步说明其深造学习的基础和当前所具备的研究能力。显然,恰如其分地评价出国留学被推荐人的基础、能力和前途,比言过其实的赞誉更令人情服,更具有实际意义。
3. 出国留学推荐人可以着重介绍被推荐人曾经获得的奖励,发表过的论文,参加过的重要学术会议,以及曾在学生组织或学术团体中的任职等来支持自己的评价。
4. 推荐人还必须清楚地表明被推荐人出国留学的.身份是研究生还是访问学者,专业领域和研究方向是什么。
如果大学提供了现成的出国留学推荐表格,则必须按这类表格认真逐项填写。在学校为学生提供的出国留学推荐表格中一般有学生综合评估的一项,即要求推荐人说明该生在所教的学生中应列为前 5%,10%,或25%等。这种评估是指教授的个人评价,可以稍高一点。另外,推荐表格上常有许多难以填写的项目,遇到该情形可填"I don&apost know",亦不致对该生的评价有何严重影响。
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