

时间:2023-06-11 21:49:36 文/张东东 推荐信北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Dear Sirs/Madams,

  I am writing here to recommend Gardening & Self-defense as my favorite elective courses.

  It goes without any doubt that Gardening is among the most popular courses with us students, not only for the lecturer’s unique way of organizing his classes but also for the great pleasure we gain from the hands-on classes. By the way, we’ve learned a lot about plants and gardening. Some of us even feel like majoring in gardening at university.

  Self-defense is another course that enjoys great popularity. In a world full of attacks and threats, it’s useful and essential for us students, girls in particular, to learn how to protect ourselves in time of danger. Besides, students can take the opportunity to build up their strength. As far as I know, many more students intend to enroll for the course next term. Hopefully, you can consider my recommendation.

  Yours sincerely

  Li Yue


  Dear PeteDear Peter,

  As is known,reading is the most effective way to broaden your sight and since you are longing to acquire a good knowledge of China, I eagerly recommend to you a campaign named “Reading About China”.

  In Britain, with the arrival of Chairman Xi Jinping, 115 book stores exhibit 43000 books about China, involving a wide range of subjects. Not only can you read about Chinese traditional culture and historical civilization, but also some big modern cities and places of interest are introduced in these books. In addition, there are masses of biographies of famous people from different fields and maybe you will come across one about Chairman Xi.


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