

时间:2023-06-07 23:54:20 文/孙小飞 同义词北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Example 1:

  原文:Computers are gainingin popularity, despite their cost.

  题目:Computers are morepopular than they used to be.

  原文当中的gaining in popularity题目中用morepopular than they used to be作为替换。两者在意思上属于完全一致的'同义转换,因此答案为TRUE。

  Example 2:

  原文:Biologically, aspecies becomes extinct when its last individual dies.

  题目:In biological terms,a species is said to be extinct when only one individual exists.

  原文当中的biologically用题目的inbiological terms作为替换。Become则由issaid to be作为替换。但是原文当中的die在题目中变成了exist, 直接相反的意思。介于最后这一处的转换与原文信息不符,可以判断出此题答案是FALSE。

  Example 3:

  There were severalreasons for the research into plastics in the nineteenth century, among themthe great advances that had been made in the field of _____and the search foralternatives to natural resources like ivory.

  解析:根据nineteenth century定位到文中第二段......Theimpetus behind the development of these early plastics was generated by anumber of factors- immense technological progress in the domain ofchemistry,.......其中,in the field of意思等同于inthe domain of在....领域,因此答案为chemistry。


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