

时间:2023-06-11 00:54:16 文/莉落 童话北考网www.beiweimall.com


  I’m an artist, and as everyone knows, artists are usually very poor. But normally, I don’t mind about that. When the sun is shining, I sit on my favourite blade of grass and make cheerful music for everyone to listen too. I have lots of friends, and together we’ve formed an orchestra.

  Everyone loves our music and says how cheerful it makes them feel. Well almost everyone. There’s a family of ants who never stop to listen. They take themselves far to seriously for music or enjoyment. All they do is work, work, work, even when the sun is shining.

  “Hey You Ants” I said to them. “It’s a lovely summer’s day, Why don’t you stop for a little while, and listen to my sweet music?”.

  “No time to stop,” one of them said, panting away. “We’re far too busy stocking up food for winter.”

  The months went by, and the days got shorter and colder. I was shivering so much that I couldn’t even sing. A hard frost was on the ground, and I couldn't even find a crumb to eat. I was so hungry ! So I went to see that busy family of ants and said, “Please Sirs, I’m a poor hungry musician. Spare me a few crumbs from your store of food.”

  But do you know what? Those ants just turned their noses up at me. They were so stingy that they wouldn’t share any of their food with me. Oh Well, I’ll have to go hungry this winter. In the New Year I’ll make a resolution. When the times are good, I’ll remember to save some food for a rainy day.


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