

时间:2023-06-10 00:27:21 文/张东东 童话北考网www.beiweimall.com


  "That's good!" The little ant shook his antennae and looked left and right。 He climbed up the leaves and began to work hard。

  "Haha, I have a new house!" Under the leaves, a happy voice came out。

  "The cave is not good? Why do you want to live here? " A grasshopper skipped over。

  "The cave is too crowded。 Look at how spacious it is!" The little ant whistled。

  The warm sunlight fell down like a golden belt and shone on the leaves。 The little ant lay down and fell asleep。

  "It is it!" The big Mantis came and circled around the leaves。 He's going to find a leaf and make a broom。

  The big Mantis carries the leaves and leaves happily。 The small ant slept in the golden sun。。。


  In the forest, there is a bear and his mother。

  One day, mother bear said to the bear, "son, you have grown up。 You should go to the city to see what the house looks like in the city。"

  On the second day, the bear got up early and set off after breakfast。

  When bear walked along the road, he raised his head high。 "Oh! No, no! " The bear could not help crying。 Originally, cubs found that the houses in the city were too many, colorful, and shapes were various。

  "Why, where is the white cross on the roof?" Walking along, the bear came to the door of a black house。 The sika deer hung a camera on its chest and warmly invited the bear to take a picture。 Little bear was afraid to run and run, and muttered in his mouth: "the dark house is so scared。"

  The little bear is tired and wants to rest。 He saw a green house in front of him。 He thought, "this is probably the park。 I'll go in and sit down for a while。" As soon as the bear came into the door, he saw that the elephant in green clothes was busy receiving customers。 He would knock on the postmark, hit the computer for a while, and write later。

  The bear grasped the hair strangely。 "Where have I been?"

  Little boy, can you tell the bear where it has been in the city and where it has been?


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