

时间:2023-06-19 07:40:28 文/阿林 通告北考网www.beiweimall.com




  For frequent travelers comfortable flight experience, the VIP lounge conditions were extended, invited Silver members enjoy the service. Silver members to buy Shenzhen Airlines Guangzhou routes originating Y cabin full price ticket after check-in formalities, show the membership card, boarding pass to Guangzhou Airlines Shenzhen airport counter to receive the rest card.

  Two. Date of activity

  July 10th (containing) September 30th (containing) 20XX (containing)

  Three. The object of activity

  Buy Guangzhou Airlines Shenzhen originating Y class full price of silver Phoenix concert

  Four. Activity flow

  1, the purchase of silver membership Guangzhou Airlines Shenzhen originating Y cabin full price ticket.

  2, the airport for check-in to Shenzhen airport counter with "+ boarding card" for the rest of silver.

  3, the airport counter check the identity and silver ticket information, to meet the conditions of the Silver Membership issued card and membership card rest, registration, name, ticket number, ticket number, leg room.

  XXXX business department

  July 9th year


Respectable community residents:

  XX community is scheduled to 20XX x month XX day (Lantern Festival) at 10:00 in the morning, at the small square in front of the XX mansion, "the eighth community neighborhood Festival (Lantern Festival) of XX city". There will be wonderful programs such as dance performances, musical instruments, and song chorus, as well as the tache of soup and candy. The program is rich, and we sincerely invite community residents and friends to participate.

  I hereby inform you.

  XX community workstation

  Community neighborhood committee of XX

  20XX x x day


All staff:

  From March 13th 20XX, a corresponding adjustment was made to the time of work, and the card system was carried out at work. The arrangement is as follows:

  8:00 a.m. - 12:00

  14:00 in the afternoon and 18:00 for working hours

  Lunch breaks at luncheon at 12:00-14:00

  Project Department

  March 13th 20XX


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