

时间:2023-06-05 06:15:10 文/黄飞 唐诗北考网www.beiweimall.com


  1, memory of the heart like the West River water, day and night in the East and no rest. - "Jiangling hope to send worry free"

  2, the moon is not familiar with the bitterness of the moon. Yan Shu's "the magpie tread"

  3, the day is not old, the feeling is difficult. Heart like double screen, there are thousands of nodes. First "thousand years of age"

  4, a lonely by whom to complain. The preface is always light and negative. Liu Yong's "day and night"

  5, good for me, beauty of non knife cut. Lu You: "in September a day and night feeling with reading verses for the song"

  6, having read more than ten thousand books, writing if there is god. Du Fu "gift from Zuocheng Wei Zhang twenty-two rhyme"

  7, such as Si Ming Zhu, worried and with tears. Chen Shuda's "from the monarch"

  8, there is a beauty, see it not forget, a day is not seen, think like a crazy. Our "courtship song".

  9, Spring Moon winter snow, not only listen to Chen Yan day. Wanli Yang's reading of Zhang Wenqian's Poetry

  10 Acacia, this is not their language, Mo to spend one fee for tears. - his "three songs" the partridge day

  11, thin shadow self pity autumn water, the Qing must pity me, I pity the Qing. Feng Xiaoqing's "resentment"

  12, ask the world, what is love, straight thinking. Yuan Haowen: "the first two, a son."

  13, not long for the blood drip into the red beans, endless spring willow spring full picture floor. Cao Xueqin's "red bean words"

  14, the infinite sky gradually far gradually, like all its constantly. Ou Yangxiu's "Shakespeare"

  15, life is based on affection, this hate about the wind and the moon. Ou Yangxiu "Yulou spring"

  16, hospitality mail parting words, two swear words in the heart knows. Bai Juyi's "song"

  17, beast furnace Shen Chui biogas flowers, hookah, a line of writing from acacia. Zhang Kejiu "Sai Hongqiu"

  18, only on the world's departure, with different students how to die? - Chen Hengke "spring Yee portrait"

  19, sincere know this hate everyone, poor and lowly misery. - Yuan Zhen "sorrowful feelings first three, second"

  The 20 storey building off the moon, your wine into the feeling of sadness, into tears. Fan Zhongyan's curtain on the curtain of the Soviet Union

  All night long, only 21 will not return for the show eyes. - Yuan Zhen "sorrowful feelings first three, third"

  22, Jin Jian overlap Leihen word, life is only love hard to die. - Wen Tingshi "Dielianhua"

  23, the curtain, ten in the spring breeze tenderness. The 86 sons of Qin Guan

  24, I like Xu Shanchang in the eye, such as the Buddha Lang careless. Zhu Yizun: "Yuanyang Lake Chantey"

  25, if we teach the bottom of the eye, there is no hatred, and it does not believe that there is a white head in the world. Xin Qiji's "Partridge Sky"

  26, straight edge feeling gentleman love one review, make my tears long Shan Shan. - Lu Tong song "daughter" upstairs

  27, must teach oneself in the chest, must not follow the person foot. Dai Fugu: "Ten Poems" vast

  28, I can stay to recall, just at that time already frustrated. Li Shangyin "Jinse"

  29, high into the mansion of, right Sheng crisis. Wang Mai: "the biography" will read the

  30, you always know the right thing and that. Hold your hand and grow old together with you。 Anonymous: "Book of Songs Bei piety drum"

  31, jujiu cage, in the river. Yao modest lady, a gentleman's good mate. Our "Book of Songs Nan Guan Ju".

  32, energy-saving, more into the flower. Gong Zizheng: "Jihai zashi"

  33, he was born than a fool, the world without love. - we "" huanxisha "

  34, when the complex unto death when the everlasting longing for you. Su Wu "loving couple"

  35, merciless is not like affectionate, one inch is still tens of millions. Yan Shu's "jade building spring"

  36, the false side with gold plated, if gold is pure gold. Li Shen: "a chapter Xiaobiao"

  37, only to bring forth the new through the old, when the couple wins the old one. A "to" - Tiaoxi

  38, Mo dying sentences in the poem, this tactic came from fangweng. Yuan Mei: "like Yuan Haowen on poetry"

  39, straight lovesickness useless, is not nuisance melancholy. Li Shangyin - "Untitled six songs" third

  40, to send the color paper and the foot, long and wearisome pathes to know where. Yan Shu's "the magpie tread"

  41, also a merciless tears, hate not shaved. Su Manshu's poem of the original affairs

  42, the eternal things, gain and loss Cunxin know. Du Fu "Outi"

  43, to death to make silk, wax torch ashes tears dry. Li Shangyin - "Untitled"

  44, if the situation two years long, a blessing in every morning and evening. Qin Guan "magpie fairies"

  45, in the days may get, is willing to tie the knot. Bai Juyi's "song"

  46, in the end of the day two Acacia, for the emperor haggard, flowers. "Southern Song Wen - the first four, second"

  47, one inch lovesickness, there is no place in the world. Li Guan "Dielianhua"

  48, love Mo all other flowers, Acacia inch of an inch of ashes. Li Shangyin - "Untitled six" the first six

  49, the personnel have metabolism, the past has become ancient and modern. Meng Haoran and Deng Xianshan "philosophers"

  50, the flower red is like the Lang Yi, the flow is infinite like Nong melancholy. Liu Yuxi: "Zhuzhici four - second"


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