

时间:2023-07-17 22:47:47 文/孙小飞 台词北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Anyone want to see it? 有人想看吗?

  Why is it unfair? 为什么不公平?

  Try to accept his flaws. 尝试去接受他的缺点。

  Does the knuckle-cracking bother everybody? 扳关节会影响到大家吗?

  He's a big boy, he'll get over it. 他长大了,能熬过去的。

  She told me about that. 她告诉我了。

  It's not that bad. 没那么糟糕。

  Do you think that was wrong? 你觉得那样不对吗?

  What is up with the universe?! 这个世界怎么了?

  We have to talk. 我们得谈谈。

  I'm getting a deja vu. 我有似曾相识的感觉。

  There's something that you should know. 有件事情应该让你们知道。

  There's really no easy way to say this. 真的很难启齿。

  I've decided to break up with Alan. 我决定跟亚伦分手。

  So that's it? It's over? 就这样结束了?

  I could go on pretending. 我可以继续伪装。

  It's not fair to me. 这对我不公平。

  I just want things back. 我只想要回失去的东西。

  Are you guys gonna be okay? 你们还好吧?/ 你们不会有事吧?

  We're just gonna need a little time. 我们只是需要一点时间。

  I am really sorry. 真的`很抱歉。

  I am a little relieved. 我松了一口气。

  I can't stand your friends. 我受不了你的朋友。

  So how'd it go? 情况怎样?

  Did he mention us? 他有提到我们吗?

  He said he's really gonna miss you guys. 他说他会想念你们的。

  What would you do if you were omnipotent? 如果你变得全能,你会做什么?

  If I were omnipotent for a day, I want world peace, no more hunger. 如果有一天我变得全能的话, 我想要世界和平,没有饥饿。

  I got no reason to live! 我没有理由活下去。


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