

时间:2023-07-15 16:02:18 文/马振华 台词北考网www.beiweimall.com




  Come on!

  Easy prey.

  Don't trip.

  Slow down!

  Let's fight!

  Not so fast!

  A fitting prize.

  Lesser creature.

  A fine collection.

  Catch their trail.

  Strike when ready.

  The scent of prey.

  Spoils of the hunt.

  Nothing will escape.

  Remember every kill.

  Carve off a souvenir.

  What a glorious hunt.

  Each trophy a victory.

  More prey, more prizes.

  Walk the killer's path.

  A token of my conquests.

  Comfort breeds weakness.

  Whose head shall I take.

  I'm just getting started.

  A true hunter never rests.

  I seek only the strongest.

  Never return empty handed.

  Leave only a trail of bodies.

  Monsters can be made to fear.

  Let's see what they're made of.

  Their heads will adorn my wall.

  Another piece for my collection.

  There is the hunter and the hunted.

  So much bloodshed... This is my kind of place!

  You have a warrior's heart. I think I'll take it.

  You've earned a good death. I've earned the kill.


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