1:Because if it don't, I'm gonna rip your tongue out.
2: The idea is that an understanding of the particular behavioral case histories should, in parole situations, help the subject to avoid habitual traps and, in penal escape situations could, conversely, identify those self-same traps as an aid to apprehension.
3:In the first place, Sally, it ain't a 'penal escape situation.' It's a manhunt. Fancy words in a circle don't help much.
4:And in penal escape situation,scould identify those selfsame traps as an aid to apprehension.
在越狱的情况 可以找出逃犯的行为模式。
5:There we go,Now we can have a real man-to-man.
好了 现在我们可以男人对男人了。
6:Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
原谅我们的.过失 以及原谅伤害我们的人.让我们不受诱惑,远离邪恶。
7:A nose like a Blue Tick, a medulla with an antenna and a helluva lot of coffee.
8:I have a fine sense of humor. But I won't be your straight man.
我很有幽默感.但我不愿意当你的跟班 让你在笨蛋之前扮演英雄。
9:this is not an escape. This happens to be a manhunt.
10:You know, Phillip, you have a goddamned red, white and blue American right to eat cotton candy and ride roller coasters.
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