

时间:2023-06-06 13:10:00 文/阿林 素材北考网www.beiweimall.com


  【经】 monopolize


  We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state operated corporation dealing exclusively in light industrial goods.

  我们是专营轻工产品的国营公司This travel firm specializes in charter flights.

  这家旅游公司专营包机业务。Small stores and delicatessens specialise in cheese.

  一些小店和熟食店专营奶酪。Small stores and delicatessens specialise in cheese

  一些小店和熟食店专营奶酪。Engaging in real estate development, we specialize in small-profit businesses to serve the salariat (wage earners).

  本公司从事房地产开发,专营微利房,为工薪阶层服务。From your business card I can see that you specialize in woolen piece goods. Am I right?

  从您的名片上可以看出您是专营毛织品的,对吗?Hong kong's rise as a financial centre left Macao to specialise in vice.

  香港日益崛起为金融中心,迫使澳门转而专营不光彩的.业务。The company began by specializing in radios but has now decided to branch out into computers.


  v. 独占,垄断

  OPEC wants to monopolize oil.

  石油输出国家打算垄断石油。monopole Stores seemed to have an irresistible attraction for him

  “专卖商店”似乎对他有不可抗拒的吸引力。Coming and going: on the state monopolization of the legitimate “means of movement”

  来来往往:论国家垄断的合法运转方式United States antitrust legislation prohibits corporations from dominating or monopolizing an industry

  美国反托拉斯法禁止公司控制或垄断一项工业。And their transnational mergence of state-owned enterprises will easily lead to monopolize.



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