

时间:2023-06-15 12:02:49 文/秦风学 书信北考网www.beiweimall.com

  英语写给朋友生日一封信 篇1


  my dear friend**,it has been a long time since we met last time.i wish you every success.tomorrow will be my birthday,i really hope you can stay with me to share the happiness,but it is a pity.after all,i will bring my luck to you through the air

  miss u



  英语写给朋友生日一封信 篇2


  Happy birthday to you, your kindness to make this world a better place, and is willing to entirely your day bring you joy, May the coming years the icing on the cake!· Willing to bless haunt you in your colorful journey of life, you never dream bordering with spring. I wish you: all wishes come true, and happiness! Happy Birthday! Bless you - Happy Birthday!



  英语写给朋友生日一封信 篇3


  Its a blessing of the god that I know you! And the most happyness is your born ,as a beautiful girl !Though the years it had past may have something unhappy ,tonorrow or from now on,youll be the most happyness girl in the word because I wll never make you angry and I will give you all the best feeling in the world.

  Happy birthday!Best wish and may you all the things gonna well !!



  英语写给朋友生日一封信 篇4


  Congratulations on your hlrthday! I hope that all your years to come will he as happy and as hopeful to people as those past years.

  I am sending you a heautlful pen as a token of appreciation for your kindness for me, which I hope you will enjoy.

  Sincerely Yours,



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