

时间:2023-06-09 16:16:17 文/李盛 书信北考网www.beiweimall.com


  The Department of Civil Engineering

  Dalian University of Technology

  Dalian 116023

  Liaoning Province


  November 20,1999

  Prof. Steeve Hunter

  The Dept. Of Civil Engineering

  **** University

  New Your, NY 10017


  Dear Professor Steeve Hunter,

  I have for many years cherished the hope of studying civil engineering under your personal guidance as a graduate student in your university, to which your name has added so much luster.

  I was enrolled to study civil engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering Of Zhejiang University in September 1992.I graduated from Zhejiang University in July 1996. And ever since my graduation, I have been teaching in the Department of Civil Engineering of Dalian University of Technology.

  If you could tell the necessany procedure of taking the graduate course of your department, I will be very grateful to you.

  I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  Sincerely yours,


  Dear My Friend,

  How are you? Do you want to know about my English study?OK,I will tell you.

  I study English at Sunday afternoon at two o'clock.I study JianQiao English.And,last Saterday I took part in the Public English Test.I think I can pass.And,next Monday,my school will have an English words test.I want to take part in.I am sure,I can win.

  Well,it's late.In the end of my letter,I put my best wishes for you!

  Please write to me soon!




  Dear Mr. Clark:

  We are wondering if you and Mrs. Clark want to have supper with us on Friday, January 21st at seven o'clock?

  James and I are looking forward with great pleasure to seeing you and Mrs.Clark. We do hope you can come.

  Sincerely yours,

  Lucy Wheeler


  Dear John:

  Thank you very much for the nice birthday present you have sent me! I have been longing for a dictionary for a long time. It will surly be very helpful to my study.

  It's very nice of you to remember my birthday. I'll make good use of the dictionary and I'll think of you with gratitude and affection every time I use it.




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