

时间:2023-06-11 19:42:54 文/莉落 书信北考网www.beiweimall.com




  You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

  You are going to have a business trip and arrange you friend to look after your children

  Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, you have to mention:

  Which kind of food your children like and dislike

  Which kind of activities your children can attend

  Arrange the time you will pick up your children

  Write at least 150 words.

  You do NOT need to write any addresses.

  Begin your letter as follows:


  Sample Answer:

  Dear Will,

  I really appreciate (这比使用thank you.更为地道和真诚;比使用I would like to express my gratitude.更为简洁,更适合笔者的身份。)your promise to look after my sweetheart, Betty. For your convenience of arrangement, I would like to let you know the eating habits of Betty and the activities she is going to attend during my upcoming trip.

  Like most of the girls at her age, Betty is fond of sweets, but please do not give her too many candies or ice cream. Besides, she is allergic to Chinese leak and chili, so just keep her away if you cook the food alike(条件状语从句是书信中最受推崇的句型。使用它可以向收信人委婉的提出建议。). It is summer holidays, when Betty does not go to school. However, I have arranged her to play the piano with a pianist who is living in No.3, Building 5 of your community at 5pm: 7pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. I will be grateful if you pick her up(另一种表达请求的方式。礼貌而且自然). By the way, if you buy something to her, please let me pay the bill after I am back.

  I am going to China the day after tomorrow. If everything goes smoothly, I will stay there for 7 days, and return on 10th April. If you don’t mind, I will pick Betty up at around 8 o’clock then. Thanks for your kindness, and hope you will get along very well.






  1) I am writing to formally request to…

  2) I am writing to seek for your assistance in…

  3) Would you be kind enough to…?

  4) I do appreciate the favorable consideration you have known to me.

  5) I would like to thank you for your generous help in the matter.

  6) I shall remain grateful to you for the great help…


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