

时间:2023-06-10 15:52:50 文/阿林 书信北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Dear John,

  It was Mother’s Day last Sunday. It was a special day, wasn’t it ?

  Mother ‘s love is great ,she always gives us but never wants to get anything in return . My mother looks after me as well as she can. I love my mother.

  On that day ,I got up earlier than usual. A fter washing ,I went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast.after that ,I put a nice card beside it.Then,I went to school before mom got up . I wanted to give her a special gift-a nice breakfast.I made the card myself,which said," I wish you health,mom! I love you very much!" When I came back from school later that day ,mom was waiting for me .with a smile ,she said,"dear,thank you for your wonderful gift.I like it so much!" We both smile happily. We can feel the deep love between us.

  What did you do on Mother’s Day? I’m looking forward to hearing from you.


  Li Hua


  Dear Peter,

  How are things with you? Are you still working on your paper?

  In the past two m xcooco.net。cne

  onths most of my time has been divided between attending classes, doing homework and going over lessons. That is perhaps a life every senior 3 student has to lead.

  I have had the dream of going to Beijing University since when I went to senior high school. Next year I will compete for one place there because it is a world-class university, where I will get better trained and my pursuit of knowledge will go further with the help of its excellent teachers.

  To be admitted to Beijing University, I should work even harder. I should adapt myself to the tight schedule of senior 3, getting up early, learning eagerly, practicing constantly and reviewing carefully. I know I am approaching my dream university with every effort I have made every day.

  Best wishes

  Yours ever



  Dear Peter,

  How are things going? Now I'd like to tell you something about our out-of-class activities.

  Our spare time is full of interesting activities. We read all kinds of books in the reading-room whenever we

  have time. We've learned a lot more in this way. Among all the games, volleyball is my favorite and I often play

  volleyball with my classmates. Sometimes we go in for social practice outside school. For example, we go to

  plant trees in spring every year. We Can gain a lot of social experience and learn to work for the good of society.

  I think out-of-class activities are quite necessary for us students. Through these activities we can learn a lot of

  things that can't be learned in class.

  I hope to know more about your out-of-class activities. Looking for ward to hearing from you.

  Yours sincerely

  Li Hua


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