

时间:2023-06-16 09:10:00 文/马振华 书信北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Dear John,

  It is my pleasure to invite you to my home for Chinese New Year. I bet our wonderful welcome will surprise you.

  As is known to everyone, Chinese New Year is the most important festivel in China. It is not only a festivel, but also a time when relatives and friends gather together to share happiness and joyness together. It is a simple of best wishes.

  As is said that a man without having visited the Great Wall isn't a real man, one can't have a full understanding about China without having spent a Chinese New Year. Through the festivel, you'll find China in another way.

  I hope that you will be here earlier, which will allow you be free from the heavy traffic coming with the festivel. I'll give you a show to other famous landscapes in Beijing, such as the Temple Heaven and the Forbbiden City.

  So come here soon, my friend! I am here awaiting you.


  Hua Lee


  Dear friend,

  I would like to invite you to my house for a dinner party to celebrate Chinese New Year. It is a traditional Chinese Festival much like Christmas in the West. Please let me know if you would like to come and I can give you more details.

  Sincerely yours,



  Dear xx,

  My name is xx. I hereby formally invite you to join our family party for spring festival. You have always been the first person who comes out up my mind when I think of who I should invite for a party. We are going to have dinner together, setting off firecrackers, playing basketball and so forth. I want to thank for your kind consideration for me during the entire year.

  Yours sincerely



  Dear John,

  How's it going?I'm very glad to tell you that the Spring Festival is coming.As you know,it is very important for Chinese people

  to spend the Spring Festival with their family and friends.During the Spring Festival,people will get together to enjoy a big meal and visit their friends to wish each other good luck in the new year.Therefore,I really want you to spend the Spring Festival with me,so that you can learn more knowledges about traditional Chinese cultures.At last,I hope that you can go to my house early in order to avoid the traffic problems.Wish you be there!




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