

时间:2023-06-12 05:03:00 文/秦风学 实习报告北考网www.beiweimall.com



  前 言



  The graduation fieldwork is water and wastewater engineering teaching plan of an important and comprehensive links of teaching practice. Graduation practice makes me further further contact with professional knowledge of practical application, to better the knowledge utilization to practical work and lay a solid foundation. This practice is to building drainage project planning, design, construction and construction management method for us to improve the comprehensive training, practical ability and training rigorous serious scientific attitude, seeking truth from facts, style of work has important significance. Through the internship in construction units, in construction field observation, we established a comprehensive and systematic perceptual knowledge, be familiar with the entire building design and construction, layout and single specific health appliance installation, layout characteristics, operation and maintenance of the situation. To promote our knowledge of building drainage and fire engineering theory and technology, has to use professional theory knowledge solving engineering problems ability and integrated using the related specialized knowledge ability, it has great significance. This practice arrangement in 2010-2011 the second term practice time for February 21 to March 11, a total of three weeks.


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