kids (who bring you a complete life)
When you have a kid
who you care so much
that anything he wants
comes before your own desires
When you have a kid
who is so much in need for your affection and understanding that
no matter what is bothering him
you‘re willing to do anything to make him smile
When you have a kid
who is so dependent on you that
no matter what obstacles you face
you have to be forever confident in front of him
giving him the sense of security
When you have a kid
whatever your goals are for your life
you‘re so willing to put him ahead before all your goals
sometimes even give up your dreams for his needs
but you‘d consider yourself lucky indeed
being in love with someone in this wide world so deep
you try to make everything easy for him to grow up into a loving,strong adultThank god for giving me this chance
let me experience what love,giving,and voluntary sacrifice are all about
After all of the things I‘ve done for him
who changed my whole world dramaticly
I come to understand what a complete life is like.
magical kids.
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