

时间:2023-06-19 17:05:33 文/莉落 诗歌北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Hey, that girl

  That's right, be you

  Do you still remember me

  The little copycat

  Yes, I

  The small heels

  Grow up,


  The girl

  Finally I meet you again

  For eight years

  Finally see you again

  I'm glad


  Remember that morning we were

  , was a little bit can't and you said goodbye

  Thank yourself aware of your wrong

  The flower is not bloom in the morning

  Are you going to leave

  At that time our feelings are ok


  For eight years

  Finally see your luo

  Excited, excited...

  Say a sense of taste in the heart

  Do you still remember me


  We looked at each other for a few seconds

  Your eyes don't have any fluctuations

  You will I forget

  Sad, sad...

  Unknown emotion poured on the heart

  You already forget me


  The girl

  Eight years later

  At last we met again

  I also know you

  You don't know me

  I two intersecting lines more like with you

  The intersection after drifting away


  The girl

  Would like to return to the past

  The girl

  Miss the past us

  The girl

  Has become a memory


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