
英语诗歌欣赏-Where Go The Boats

时间:2023-06-03 00:44:29 文/秦风学 诗歌北考网www.beiweimall.com

英语诗歌欣赏-Where Go The Boats


  Dark brown is the river,黑褐色的河流,

  Golden is the sand.金黄色的沙丘

  It floats along forever,沿着树的两边

  With trees on either hand.它永远在漂流。


  Green leaves a-floating,绿叶在水上漂流,

  Castles of the foam,泡沫造成的城堡,

  Boats of mine a-floating---我的`船在水上漂浮,

  Where will all come home? 那里才是归途?


  On goes the river 河水继续地流着

  And out past the mill,经过了磨坊,

  Away down the valley,流下山谷,

  Away down the hill.再流下山岗。


  Away down the river,河水向下流转,

  A hundred miles or more,有一百哩长,或者更多,

  Other little children 别的孩子们

  Shall bring my boats ashore.将会把我的船带到岸边。

  by R. L. Stevenson


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