

时间:2023-06-19 20:49:56 文/莉落 诗词北考网www.beiweimall.com


  by Naomi Shihab Nye

  A man leaves the world

  and the streets he lived on

  grow a little shorter.

  One more window dark

  in this city, the figs on his branches

  will soften for birds.

  If we stand quietly enough evenings

  there grows a whole company of us

  standing quietly together.

  overhead loud grackles are claiming their trees

  and the sky which sews and sews, tirelessly sewing,

  drops her purple hem.

  Each thing in its time, in its place,

  it would be nice to think the same about people.

  Some people do. They sleep completely,

  waking refreshed. Others live in two worlds,

  the lost and remembered.

  They sleep twice, once for the one who is gone,

  once for themselves. They dream thickly,

  dream double, they wake from a dream

  into another one, they walk the short streets

  calling out names, and then they answer.


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