

时间:2023-06-15 22:19:35 文/王明刚 诗词北考网www.beiweimall.com



  by Vijay Seshadri

  We hold it against you that you survived.

  People better than you are dead,

  but you still punch the clock.

  Your body has wizened but has not bled

  its substance out on the killing floor

  or flatlined in intensive care

  or vanished after school

  or stepped off the ledge in despair.

  Of all those you started with,

  only you are still around;

  only you have not been listed with

  the defeated and the drowned.

  So how could you ever win our respect?——

  you, who had the sense to duck,

  you, with your strength almost intact

  and all your good luck.


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