
英文诗词Séance at Tennis

时间:2023-06-18 10:17:05 文/莉落 诗词北考网www.beiweimall.com

英文诗词Séance at Tennis

  Séance at Tennis

  by Dana Goodyear

  I play with an old boyfriend, to tease you out.

  In white shorts that you‘ve never seen before.

  You storm—wind, panic in the tree.

  Rattling like the genius

  like the jealous man.

  Making it impossible to hit.

  So nothing clears the net.

  An inside joke, my comingback love:

  He can‘t return, but you can?

  After an hour, the court is swept, and reassumes

  the waiting face of the bereft. But you—

  the sky turns blue with your held breath.


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