

时间:2023-06-11 01:05:32 文/刘莉莉 申请书北考网www.beiweimall.com

  Dear x,

  Mathematics has always given me a deep sense of satisfaction. Even inelementary school, I was attracted to the precision and logic inherent inmathematical formulas. I devoured as much mathematical information as I could,collecting theorems of mathematicians such as Gauss and Euclid like otherstudents collected stamps. I had the opportunity to test my skills and knowledgein high school, when I competed in several national math competitions, includingthe Korea Mathematical Olympiad. My strong showing in these venues, along withmy top math grades and perfect math score on the Korean SAT, bolstered myconfidence in my abilities. I was proud to prove to others that I was capable ofperforming at the highest levels.

  Despite my strong interest and achievement in mathematics, it has beendifficult for me to realize my potential due to the Korean educational system,which emphasizes cramming for tests instead of critical understanding. Moresignificantly, Korean social biases against women in the fields of math andscience have discouraged me from pursuing my love of mathematics. Thus, I wantto study in the United States, where I will be able follow my dream withoutthese constraints. For about a year, I have taken English language courses at auniversity in Washington, D.C., where I have gained a glimpse of Americanacademic life from the inside. I am very impressed by American students’devotion to their studies and the system’s ability to support each student’sgoals. I am therefore especially interested in attending Boston College, which,in addition to offering outstanding math and science courses, is renowned forits emphasis on cultivating students’ full development, or "cura personalis." AtBoston College, I will be able to focus on my goal of becoming an excellentmathematician.

  I am determined to succeed, but I know that I must overcome manychallenges. Sometimes, when I feel discouraged by the obstacles I face as aKorean woman in mathematics, I imagine what my life will be like ten years fromnow. Armed with a Boston College degree, I will visit my old friend Seung-woo.We will have corresponded over the years, so he’ll already know about the manymathematics articles published in my name, and he will be well aware of theinternational acclaim they received. I will savor the day when Seung-woo admitsthat I was correct in believing that I could succeed as a mathematician. I willbe proud to know that partly due to my achievements, the door to increasedopportunities for women in math and science has swung open a little bitwider.

  Yours sincerely,


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