

时间:2023-06-15 11:31:39 文/刘莉莉 申请书北考网www.beiweimall.com

  dear sir or madam,

  i am glad to recommend ms. jingyang li to your graduate program. program. she is a hardworking and intelligent student in my class. ms. li did good job on my lectures of digital signal processing and microelectronic circuit design. through hard working, she became one of the top students in my class. ms.

  li is focusing on machine to machine networking and doing wireless communication communication research work with my colleague in the joint institute. institute. however, she never limits her knowledge to this certain certain realm but tries to study different topics. as a self- motivated motivated person, she tries to acquaint herself with a wide range of engineering subjects, such as smart semiconductor devices, devices, matrix theory and graph theory. also, she succeeded in doing several several engineering programs in our institute and for other organizations.

  except for her research on network and communication, communication, she participated in signal filter design, webpage and website construction as well as grading book system development. i appreciate her industry. despite her sedulity,

  ms. li is also a very sociable student with leadership. she is the president of yunnan volunteer charity program, which aims to improve the education and living quality of children in the western region of china. ms. li gathered gathered capable students and non-governmental organizations organizations to realize their responsibilities.

  also, she once worked for microsoft research asia as an intern in her sophomore year. she was one of the youngest interns in the company. her superior performance there set up good reputation reputation for our joint institute. besides, she helped to hold a collaborative collaborative discussion between microsoft and our deans, professor professor shensheng zhang and robert parker. i am confident that ms.

  li will be a good graduate student at your department. her diligence and strong social ability are the two biggest merits for her to be successful in the overseas study.sincerely yours, prof. dianguang ma um-sjtu joint institute

  sincerely yours,

  prof. dianguang ma

  um-sjtu joint institute


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