

时间:2023-06-02 16:24:03 文/莉落 申请书北考网www.beiweimall.com

  申请书英语 篇1

  Dear Sir or Madam,

  I learn from the nespaper that the Asian Winter Games will be held in the city where I live and that some volunteers are needed.I hope I can have a chance to do something for it.

  I am a 18-year-old boy student in a senior middle school.In my spare time I like watching English movies,so I can speak English fluently.Besides,I like sports and also like to read books about sports.Meanwhile,I am good at making friends and I am always ready to help others.

  I have had some experience about being a volunteer.I will try my best to do something to help this Asian Winter Games to be a great success.I hope I can be chosen to be one.Thank you.


  Li Hua.

  申请书英语 篇2

Dear Mr. Cartwright:

  I would like to extend my appreciation to Locking Company for allowing me to work for you for the past number of years. I have gained a vast amount of knowledge, experience and expertise over the past number of years. Your support, training, friendship and sincerity will always be remembered.

  At this time, I would like to request a two week notice. Due to a recent promotion, personal reason, etc., I will be resigning as of include exact date to pursue other avenue.

  Again, thank you for your time and friendship with Locking Company.

  申请书英语 篇3

  Dear (the name of your boss),

  I regret to inform you that I decided to resign from my present position as (position) with effective from (next day of last date)

  Thank you for giving me a chance to learn and to gain the valuable experience in (company name and section work with) I hope my resignation would not cause you much inconvenience.

  Thank you for your kind attention and would appreciate if you could let me have a reference letter before I leave.


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