

时间:2023-06-10 22:00:25 文/马振华 伤感句子北考网www.beiweimall.com


  The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: that's the essence of inhumanity.


  ——George Bernard Shaw乔治?萧伯纳

  Many people--especially young people--seem to have a hard time understanding other people's right to quiet. My wife and I worked as camp hosts at a small campground for one summer, and we were only a bit surprised to see just how many people were willing to stay up very late at night talking and laughing around the campfire, even though they were literally surrounded by the darkened tents of other people who were trying to sleep.


  I can understand the positive feeling of companionship and enjoying other people's companies, but if we want to respect the rights of others, then it's important that we recognize that there's a time and a place for everything.


  My wife and I had to spend a lot of time reminding people that quiet hours had started at ten because people simply weren't willing to respect those hours. They wanted to do what they wanted to do, and all of the other people who were affected by their actions simply didn't matter to them.


  Many people know that the law of Karma eventually will cause some sort of return to the folks who don't respect the rights of others, but it's a shame that we even have to think of such a thing. What would life be like if our understanding of Karma were to be limited to the positive returns that life would provide because we only shared positive thoughts, words, and actions with our fellow humans and the other living beings on this planet?


  We should not, of course, make decision about what we do and do not do simply because of what we think we'll get back. Our decisions should be made based on whether what we're doing is respecting the rights and needs of others.


  Life, after all, is a cooperative effort, and the better we treat our fellow human beings, the more we respect them and their rights, the more positive and loving and compassionate is this world going to be. It's a very simple and important principal for all of us to realize we're going to give to the world in positive ways.



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