

时间:2023-06-05 08:02:36 文/阿林 伤感句子北考网www.beiweimall.com


  1. The days ahead of you are more important than the years behind of you..

  2. Listening to those who don’t agree with you is more important than listening to those who do.

  3. How much you understand is more important than how much you know.

  4. Having a pure heart is more important than hving a pleasant appearance.

  5. Laughter is more important for the soul than liniment is for the body.

  6. Having a purposeful life is more important than having a prosperous life.

  7. What you model is more important what you proclaim.

  8. The decisions ahead of you are more important than the decisions behind you.

  9. Being honest is more important than making a good impression.

  10. Being respected is more important than being rich.

  11. Being a good listener is more important than being a good speaker.

  12. Making a difference is more important than making a fortune.

  13. Your word is more important than your wealth.

  14. Having a good attitude about the day is more important thanhaving a good day.

  15. How well you finish is more important than how well you begin.

  16. Hard times are more important for shaping your life than easy time.

  17. The effort made is more important than the success achieved.

  18. Having a compassionate heart is more important having a brilliant mind.

  19. Finishing life with good relationships is more important than finishing life with great wealth.

  20. A few words of encouragement and understanding are more important than volumes of reason and logic.

  21. Being thorough is more important than being fast.

  22. Effort is more important than intellect(智力).

  23. Your family is more important than anything on TV.

  24. The time you spend with someone is more important than the money you spend on them.

  25. The size of your heart is more important than the size of your home.


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