

时间:2023-06-05 14:15:33 文/张东东 求职信北考网www.beiweimall.com

Respected leaders:


  Thank you very much for reading my resume. I am a XX graduate of nursing at XX University. I have solid basic medical knowledge, skilled operation technology and excellent work ability. I am confident that I am competent for the work that is going to be done. Here, I wish to you.

  The choice itself means competition, and there is a more full realization of the value of self. I hope that the result of this competition will give me the opportunity to work and study in your unit.

  Medicine is a sacred science, and its value lies in saving the life of the people. Four years of theoretical study and more than one year of clinical practice, I have developed a rigorous learning attitude, careful thinking and tough character. I have a friendly and caring heart to treat the patient, I love the nursing career. Four years of medicine has nurtured my medical dream, making my wings more rich, and I want to continue to study in the actual clinical practice.

  During the period of school, I not only learn professional knowledge, improve the comprehensive quality of the students living former minister, theory of central group leader, organized several party learning activities, organized several hundred bedroom rating, DIY contest, has certain organization foundation and innovation ability. In an effort to study the professional knowledge, I constantly enrich themselves, actively move closer to the party, the party, has accepted a senior party class training and passed the examination, lectures, and strive to become talents needed in today's society.

  As a college student in twenty-first Century, I didn't just satisfy the learning of theoretical knowledge in school. I often went to social theory and practice, and improved my comprehensive ability from personal practice. I believe that I can adapt myself to the competitive environment of today's society.

  Finally, thank you for your sincere concern for me, I hope you can give me a chance to show the talent, realize the dream, wish your college career on the upgrade, repeated success! Look forward to receiving your reply.



  Job seekers:













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