

时间:2023-06-11 17:14:57 文/秦风学 求职信北考网www.beiweimall.com



  Dear your school leaders:


  Thank you for your busy schedule to pull out redundant to read my cover letter. Sailing, wind power depends on You! I am the 2003 session of Hubei Normal University Department of Mathematics, Mathematics Education fresh graduates. Will soon face the choice of employment, I worked very thought of your organization. Colleagues and your organization want to work side by side, a total of hope Yang Fan, create brilliant career.

  "Bao Jianfeng from sharpening out, plum blossom from the bitter cold." After four years of professional study and university life of training, into the school when the innocent, naive I have now become calm and cool. Order based on the community, for their own success, four years I have been efforts to study, whether basic courses, or courses, have achieved good results. University Hospital during the year 2002, individual access to scholarships, the level of English to national levels, the computer had the national level, and through a national language test two first class exam. At the same time after school, I also paid attention to expanding their knowledge and a minor in Professional Skills (Mathematics Education), a teacher to master the basic skills. Self-study after school hours the basic operation of computer, familiar with windows operating system, master office2002 office software, able to skillfully use the software Authorware, Powerpoint and other production of courseware, multimedia teaching.

  Learning is important, but capacity-building is also essential. More than three years, in order to improve their teaching ability, and accumulated experience in education, starting from the second year, I learn the various professional courses, it is also actively participated in after school hours tutoring practice, the number of middle school mathematics and elementary lame leg students in mathematics tutorial, so that their math scores have improved a great extent, my work has also been affirmed and praised parents. To further accumulation of experience in mathematics education system, I went to Wuhan Iron and Steel Daye Iron Mine carried out up to two months of a junior high school mathematics education, internship, internship in two months time, I actively consult an experienced teacher, pay attention learn their art of teaching, improve their professional level and teaching presentation skills, and strive to do their own teaching style both informative and interesting. Through their continuous efforts and teaching practice, I already have a good quality of teachers, excellent work style, solid in teaching basic skills, strong self-learning and adaptability, good communication and coordination, so I work on the future of education full of confidence and expectations.

  Read it slowly and more than ten years studying, now I have been full of pride and confidence. Career success requires knowledge, perseverance, sweat, the perfect combination of opportunities. Similarly, a unit of the carrier of honor need to carry her - the selfless dedication of people. I urge your organization to give me a chance, so I had the privilege to become a member of you, I will be times of enthusiasm and diligent work to return your helping his career.

  Look forward to hearing from you!

  Thank you for your busy schedule to Chouxia to approve the cover letter.



  Job Applicant: xxx

  xxx dated xx day of xx


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