

时间:2023-06-06 21:37:16 文/马振华 求职信北考网www.beiweimall.com


Dear XX hotel Leadership:

  Hello! I am XX Sciences University Department of Public Administration, a student, graduated in July this year. I am very happy to see you in the online recruitment information, take the liberty of a letter submitted to the individual job-seekers, looking forward to your view!

  I studied public administration, but the comparison is more like hotel management. A senior last semester, I have just come into contact with the hotel management was deeply attracted to the Internet after searching for the information, with a certain degree of understanding, I found that this is what I want to do. Although some nights, but after all, to find love for their work and not easy. So I was very lucky.

  Hotel is to bring people comfort and pleasant place, the kind of environment and atmosphere is what I aspire to, and engaged in the provision of hotel management in all of this work will be proud of and to meet people. The hotel industry is a dynamic and promising industries, especially the rapid growth of domestic hotels, foreign hotels have entered China, but also gives the hotel industry is full of opportunities and challenges. I am committed to the hotel management as a cause of their own to do, so your company recruited cadres reserve positions, the industry hopes to have a very good development.

  Although there is a certain degree of expertise inadequate, but I found the hotel management have a strong thirst for knowledge, I made a four-year university with a very good learning ability, and prepared to apply for assistance after the hotel management division examination.

  Since I chose the hotel ready to endure hardship on the preparation, your company would like to start from the grassroots to make their own hotel as continuous development of a step-by-step may be raised.

  Thank you for reading this letter and consider my request for candidates, hoping to have the honor to interview you, and sincerely look forward to your response!








  在学校学习,基本理论知识,或实际操作技能,我把优秀的结果。在学校除了学习,我还积极参加社会实践活动。曾经在XX学院参加“三下乡”社会实践活动。被授予“优秀积极分子”XX 5月到10月曾去法国学习西方饮食文化和法国的高星级酒店实践,这样我能掌握更多的西餐服务的标准和系统。能使用流利的法语和客人沟通。



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