

时间:2023-06-07 09:38:13 文/刘莉莉 求职信北考网www.beiweimall.com


  with the further deepening of chinas reform and opening up, the employment of university graduates as a social and economic development an important part, has been gradually adjusted to achieve under the laws of supply and demand in the market, supply and demand sides of each choice. in the "two-way selection" process, most employers for interviews is based on reading the written information reflects the situation of graduates, for them, these written materials and eva luation is to determine the academic performance of graduates, based on the potential of work . undoubtedly, the development ofpelling and can attract the attention of the written information the reader is the first step to win thepetition.

  written information including school recommendation forms, resumes, written submissions, transcripts and various certificates (including the award certificate and certificate of skill level), published articles, papers, and other achievements.

  first, the students fill out the form recommended graduate school recommendation form is sent along with the school graduatesplete a written opinion of the recommended form. one of the table and recommendations are part of theprehensive assessment by the counselor to understand the overall situation graduatespleted, and is the organization responsible for the hungry in the form recommended to the employers, the employers have greater authority and reliability, so large part of employers to the table other written information as proof that the employer has always been to the table as the main basis for graduates to receive.

  graduate school recommendation form is printed uniformlthe form, students can not use aputer instead of hand-written print, nor can a beautiful layout to attract peoples attention. calligraphy vulnerable to recruitment by the merits of first impression, clear, clean, neat handwriting will make recruiters think there is a sense of responsibility, work ability, rigorous work attitude impression, spelling or grammatical errors will cause doubt your abilities.

  graduates recommended for all table columns to varschool focus, with the deepening reform of employment of graduates and the "two-way choice," the growing maturity of graduates each year in the table columns are also recommended improvements, but generally include individuals basic information, education, awards, as social work, personal interests and specialties, and self-eva luation.


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