

时间:2023-06-10 03:54:00 文/黄飞 求职信北考网www.beiweimall.com


Dear Mr.Cunningham:

  Enclosed please find my resume for the postition of Director of Employment. Should you have an opening at this level, I am confident that you will find my qualifications intriguing.

  My credentials include an M.S. in Industrial Relations from Michigan State University with 14 years of solid human resources experience. This includes nearly 9 years in the employment function-6 as Manager of Administrative Employment with Drexel Elector for Russell J.Reynolds, a premiere international executive search consulting firm.

  I have also managed a Fortune 200 employment function with responsibility for recruitment of executive, managerial and professional employees for a wide range of functional areas. I enjoy a strong reputation for cost-effective, timely and quality recruitment, and am thoroughly versed in state-of-the-art behavioral-based interviewing and assessment methodology.

  If you seek a knowledgeable professional to manage your corporate employment function, I hope that you will give me a call so that we may discuss your requirements and the contributions that I can make to your company.


  Barbara A.Anderson


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