

时间:2023-06-02 21:21:19 文/刘莉莉 求职信北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Dear Sir or Madam:

  It’s greatly appreciated that you can share your time to read my self—recommendation letter. Please accept my wish to apply.

  My name isxx. Majoring in English, I graduated from xx University.

  “Only after being polished, the sword will be sharp; only after suffering severe Winter, the plum blossom will be fragrant.” After college’s hard study, I have possessed the quality to be a qualified graduate. College’s hard working arms me with solid specialized knowledge. I have mastered better English skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation; and also have a good knowledge of grammar, phonetics, linguistics…. Moreover, extensive reading has broadened my mind. It acquainted me with western countries’ culture and custom. Hard-working also rewords me with high scores in examination.

  With a perfect mastery of specialized knowledge, since I began to go to work, I also developed myself in all-round way. I have been paying special attention to foster my managerial ability, coordinate ability and cooperative ability and to seek innovative personal accomplishment. No matter ever being a civil servant, or now being a translator and secretary, I’m always insisting on doing like these.

  Additionally, my self-confidence, industry, honesty, perseverance and enthusiasm pave the way for conquering the difficulties which would occur in future work.

  My attribute


  Ms. Huang Lijia of your company has told me that your dept needs a manager assistant,and I wish to apply for the position. I will graduate from commercial school next month. My outstanding record at school and some experience in business has prepared me for the work you are calling for.

  I am really interested in learning business practice,and also a diligent worker and a fast learner. If given a chance, I am sure I can prove my worth in your company.

  I will be available during the weekdays in the morning for any interviews you may want to give. Enclosed is my resume,and hoping for your immediate reply.


  Dear Sir,

  I have learned from China Daily that your company is looking for a secretary who is fluent in English I would like to apply for the post.

  My name is Fu Tao and I/m 25, I/ve been working as an English guide since I graduated from the English Department of Zhejiang University four years ago. I am hard working and I have learned to operate computer and I can type both in English and Chinese. I seek a position more challenging and with more opportunities than my current one. I think I am fit for the post.

  Should you entertain my application favorably, I would spare no efforts to acquit myself to your satisfaction.

  Yours truly,

  Wu Tao


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