

时间:2023-06-06 18:05:01 文/孙小飞 求职信北考网www.beiweimall.com


Dear Sir or Madam,

  At the outset, I’d like to thank you for giving me such an opportunity to show myself. When you are selecting the excellent graduates for your school, it is my pleasure if I can be a member of your working unit.I am a graduate student from the Foreign Language Department of **** University.

  My name is ***. I lived a full life in the four-year professional learning. It laid a solid foundation of basic English knowledge and relevant theories. I often won teacher’s great approval and praise with my native grammars, fluent expressions and rich vocabularies. I learn English with more enthusiasm. During the university life, I participated in many kinds of English activities held in the Foreign Language Department and won prizes. I also took part in the “SIT Sino-Foreign College Students Culture- Exchanging Activity”.

  In addition, I’m qualified in the TEM-4 Exam. And I will do my best in the coming Grade 8 Exam (which will be held on March 8th, 20xx)After class, I worked as a private teacher, so I have got a lot of work experience for the future job. And it gives me challenges, while it also gives me satisfaction with my ability of expressing, the level of oral English and the ability organizing. What’s more, I master computer operation. I have gained National Computer Rank Examination Certificate for Grade 1. And I have the basic knowing for the Author ware and windows20xx. As to my character, I am good –natured, willing to work hard and have good cooperation with different people; besides, I’m keen on learning new things.

  All of the above efforts and achievements have proved my firm belief and determination----to be an English teacher. Dear Sir or Madam, please allow me to join in your troop of English teachers! I will devote all my efforts to the construction of your school’s education!?Looking forward to your reply and best wishes!?Many thanks!

Yours sincerely,











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