

时间:2023-06-02 13:06:31 文/阿林 求职信北考网www.beiweimall.com




  Dear Mr Black,

  Please find enclosed my CV in application for the post advertised in the Guardian on 30 November.

  The nature of my degree course has prepared me for this position. It involved a great deal of independent research, requiring initiative, self-motivation and a wide range of skills. For one course, [ course], an understanding of the [ sector] industry was essential. I found this subject very stimulating.

  I am a fast and accurate writer, with a keen eye for detail and I should be very grateful for the opportunity to progress to market reporting. I am able to take on the responsibility of this position immediately, and have the enthusiasm and determination to ensure that I make a success of it.

  Thank you for taking the time to consider this application and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

  Yours sincerely



  My name is (BLOCKED) and I am an undergraduate finance student at (BLOCKED). I met you the summer before last at Smith & Wollensky’s in New York when I was touring the east coast with my uncle, (BLOCKED). I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to talk with me that night.

  I am writing to inquire about a possible summer internship in your office. I am aware it is highly unusual for undergraduates from average universities like (BLOCKED) to intern at (BLOCKED), but nevertheless I was hoping you might make an exception. I am extremely interested in investment banking and would love nothing more than to learn under your tutelage. I have no qualms about fetching coffee, shining shoes or picking up laundry, and will work for next to nothing. In all honesty, I just want to be around professionals in the industry and gain as much knowledge as I can.

  I won’t waste your time inflating my credentials, throwing around exaggerated job titles, or feeding you a line of crapp (sic) about how my past experiences and skill set align perfectly for an investment banking internship. The truth is I have no unbelievably special skills or genius eccentricities, but I do have a near perfect GPA and will work hard for you. I’ve interned for Merrill Lynch in the Wealth Management Division and taken an investment banking class at (BLOCKED), for whatever that is worth.

  I am currently awaiting admission results for (BLOCKED) Masters of Science in Accountancy program, which I would begin this fall if admitted. I am also planning on attending law school after my master’s program, which we spoke about in New York. I apologize for the blunt nature of my letter, but I hope you seriously consider taking me under your wing this summer. I have attached my resume for your review. Feel free to call me at (BLOCKED) or email at (BLOCKED). Thank you for your time.




  Dear Mr. Wang,

  In reply to your advertisement in BeijingYouth Daily of December 25, I respectfully offer my services for the situation.

  I am thirty-two years old and agraduate of Beijing Foreign Studies University. My experience in this line ofwork includes five years as a salesman with the NCC Company. The reason forleaving my present employment is because they're closing their office. I am enclosingmy resume together with my photo, and I believe that they may be foundsatisfactory.

  As regards salary, I would be gladto start with RMB5,000 per month plus commission. If you would like to knowmore about my ability, I can be available for an interview at any timeconvenient to you.

  Best regards,

  Zheng Yongqiang


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