

时间:2023-06-05 21:28:55 文/李盛 求职信北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Dear leaders:


  I Sias International Institute of Zhengzhou University graduates, 2007 session. Upon completion of their studies, about to enter the community, I need to find a suitable development. Your organization now have the opportunity to job-seekers, I am very honored.

  I majored in professional information management and information systems. The main learning the basics of information management, systems design and database maintenance and use of the function and use of computer-aided and web production. In addition, the economic specialist study, accounting, statistics knowledge, can be engaged in the maintenance of information systems, database maintenance, computer work, and site-building, systems, and network maintenance and so on.

  I have my have a strong sense of confidence on their own. University life, I learn to good results for the future work of the professional and lay a solid foundation. And to integrate theory with practice, and actively carry out professional practice, and test their own knowledge, so they have a strong analysis of issues and the practical ability to solve the problem. In order to meet the economic, scientific, technological and social development needs, I rounded all-round development, but also actively participate in various social activities. Through a long period of study and training, and accumulated some experience. After all, it is not enough.

  My lack of experience may allow you to hesitate, but ask you to believe that the drive is my hard work and efforts of the capital, honest and trustworthy is my moral standards of life, and practical way is my way of thinking, which is sufficient to make up for my current inadequate. Therefore I would like to join your group. I will do my job well, will do our best to obtain good results, with you through thick and thin, create a better future.

  Thanks again for your busy schedule to give me concern, would like your company every success, achievements, and wish your business the next level! I eagerly look forward to hearing from you.


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