

时间:2023-06-10 16:16:15 文/阿林 请假条北考网www.beiweimall.com

  Dear Sir,

  I'm sorry to tell you that I can't go to school today, I've caught a cold because I swam in the school's swimming pool yesterday.

  This morning I had a headache. After taking my temperature, my mother found that I had a high fever, immediately she took me to see a doctor, who advised me to stay in bed for 2 days. Now I am writing to you to ask for 2 days' sick leave.

  With best wishes

  Your student,


  Dear Ms Yang,

  I'm so sorry that I have got a cold.Because of the bad cold I can't go to school these days.As a result,I want to stay at home for days.Thank you.


  To whom it may concern,

  This is the writing notice from Li Lei. I am sorry for the absence from the English Summer Camp today due to the illness caused carelessness of forgetting to take the umbrella with me when I went out in the rain yesterday on my way home. I will see the doctor today for I've had a cold and if I feel better tomorrow, I'll come for Summer Camp tomorrow.

  Best Regards,

  Li Lei

  Li Lei today due to illness did not go to summer camps to participate in English, he asked students to write English written request for leave to bring Wang, told her not to go out because yesterday was also an umbrella, get wet in the rain to go home on the road, the cold, to see a doctor. If better tomorrow, then went to summer camp.

  Dear Mr/Ms ...,

  I'm not feeling very well today. I've got a bad cold. My father took me to see a doctor this morning, and the doctor looked me over carefully and gave me some medicine. He also advised me to stay in bed for a day. So I can't go to school today. I hope I'll get weel soon and go to school tomorrow morning. Thanks.

  Your student


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