

时间:2023-06-18 00:28:01 文/莉落 请假条北考网www.beiweimall.com













  How to write an employee's note

  It's inevitable that you will have to ask for a leave of absence, whether it's illness or something, you need to write a note, especially the ordinary employee. Who has nothing? How to write an employee's note? Fresh graduates make up for everyone.

  Key points:

  A format,

  2. Correct words

  1 write the employee's request for the first note: please note the reasons for asking for leave. The reasons for asking for leave must be written clearly on the note, otherwise the leader will not know why you are asking for leave, and there is no way to approve your leave. It is necessary to state why you are asking for a leave of absence.

  2 write employee for missing the second point: it is important to note that the format of the conduction of, ask for leave to get approval in writing work, when I was missing the format is one of the requirements at the very least, only sincerely want to get approval but really write a note.

  3 write employee for missing the third point: according to the provisions of the company to ask for leave, such as the company have a certain request for personal leave and sick leave, want to ask for leave within the prescribed scope, not more than, more than likely will become absenteeism.

  4 write employees' request for a false article 4: please submit the note to relevant leaders and departments so as to avoid delay in time. Regular companies have special departments and staff to take care of the company's leave. We need to find the right people to do the right thing.

  5 write employee for missing the # 5: ask for leave to the real objective, rather than arbitrary random leave, leave delayed the work, there are really not have what thing, company or leaders know will think you this man character has a problem.

  6 write an employee's request for a 66th leave time period must be clearly stated. Whether you take half a day off or ask for a day off, it will lead to an ambiguous situation.

  Matters needing attention

  Don't take time off. It's a bad behavior.

  Time off should be written and not expired.


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