英语水果类的谜语 篇1
Dressed in green clothes, his stomach liquid, penny more, all black faces——watermelon
Hacked-at trees, rattan, curved vine to hang a bell crystal——grapes
It has red face,and green leaves---------apple
红脸蛋,绿叶子-- 苹果
They are yellow,and kind of long--------bananas
It's a furit. It's also a color. What is it? -----orange
A red coat, white body and black heart. ---Litchi
What fruit is never found singly ? (什么水果永远不会是单个的?)--- pear
英语水果类的谜语 篇2
1.Gold-cloth,wrap large bars,intermediate curved two become warped.(香蕉banana)
2.Red and white liu bei guan,zhang fei,the reference JieYi.(荔枝lychee)
3.Take off red yellow clothes,78 brothers,held together,sweet and sour each relish,everyone like.(橘子orange)
4.The red house JianJianJiao and loaded with such a lot,pearl crystal pearl couldn't take,sour and sweet excellent.(石榴pomegranate)
5.It's a fruit.It's also a color.What is it?(橙子orange)
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