

时间:2023-06-09 14:09:47 文/李盛 谜语北考网www.beiweimall.com

  1、 画时圆,写时方,冬时短,夏时长 打一字 (日)

  1, when the painting circle, write, it is short in winter and summer long word (day)

  2、 不知医药何来,忽然沉疴脱体。 打一西汉人物(霍去病)

  2, do not know what medicine, suddenly detached from. A character (Han Huo)

  3、 上不在上,下不在下,不可在上,且宜在下 打一字(一)

  3, not on the upper and lower, not in the next, not in the upper, and should be in the next hit a word (1)

  4、 天地一笼统,井上黑窟窿,黑狗身上白,白狗上上肿打一物(雪)

  4, a world general, black holes in the well, black dog body white, white dog, swollen, hit a thing (snow)

  5、 一言难尽打一《水浒人物》 (安道全)

  5, head of a "Water Margin character" (An Daoquan)

  6、 青一块,紫一块打一字 (素)

  6, green piece, purple a dozen a word (Su)

  7、 没心思 打一字(田)

  7, no mind to play a word (Tian)

  8、 成年后走出峻岭 打一山名 (大别山)

  8, out of the mountains a adult mountain (the Dabie Mountains)

  9、 告别蛇年打一种机械名称(马达)

  9, bid farewell to the year of the snake hit a machine name (motor)

  10、 遇火燃烧,遇水挨浇,若猜尧字,智慧不高 猜一字 (林)

  10, in case of fire burning, in case of water next to pouring, if guess Yao word, wisdom is not high, guess a word (Lin)

  11、 子时将尽,打三字日常用语(快一点)

  11, when will do, hit three words everyday (soon)

  12、 小伙一向厚道 打一样式主持人名字(郎永淳)

  12, the guy has always been kind to play a host name (Lang Yongchun)

  13、 胯赤兔,走千里。 打一元杂剧作家 (马致远)

  13, hip red rabbit, thousand miles away. A playwright who plays Yuan Dynasty (Ma Zhiyuan)

  14、 挥手告别打一字(军)

  14, waving goodbye, playing a word (Army)

  15、 垂涎三尺 打三个字俗语 (顺口溜)

  15, hit three words saying drool with envy (Jingle)

  16、 白首雄心志不移 猜一字 (恁)恁的拼音: nèn

  16, the Whitehead ambitions do not move (you) your guess word Pinyin: n n

  17、 农历十六娶新娘 打一成语 (大喜过望)

  17, the sixteen married bride play a idiom (happy)

  18、 老大老二和老三,兄弟三个叠罗汉。 老大踩着老二头,老三站在最下边。 打一字 (奈)

  18, the eldest and youngest brother, three pyramid. The eldest brother stepped on the second head, and the third was standing at the bottom. Hit a word (Chennai)

  19、 先生从前住西楼 打一字(杉)

  19, Mr Lau lived a (FIR)

  20、 遇水一片汪洋,逢 木可闻花香。打一字(每)

  20, the water can smell the flowers on a world of waters. Strike a word (each)


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