

时间:2023-06-11 06:29:48 文/王明刚 名言北考网www.beiweimall.com

  1、"Sleepy" has two meanings, whether it is physiological fatigue, or how bad the situation, a smiling face in the heart, always able to carry the past.


  2、Hurt, hurt by the sword medicine can cure; cure time, emotional hurt, bad times; cure; pain, lingering, a generation of patient injury!


  3、They say that the living conditions are good, and every day is like a festival. For me, the so-called "year fla vor" is just the light happiness on weekdays.


  4、I ha ve used a flower, you will find a person to accompany you to see.


  5、You are too good, good let me feel ashamed, I fear that this life can not give you happiness, so I always push you out.


  6、People really care about and things that matter, only worry about personal gains and losses, courage seem far away.


  7、God gives every individual life time is very limited, if we do not for their own destiny scurry, traces of life is too short.


  8、I think only in the age of ignorance, people will indulge in the moment because of CLS, wisdom is often sustained and simple.


  9、A miss, miss is the life, many things in life ha ve the opportunity to go back.


  10、You asked me that a nagging vine like life? I think, perhaps life is really like honeysuckle, but not entangled. Flowers bloom, gold and silver meet, encounter and separation, and turned to face, and geo edge scattered, a rattan flower interpretation of the joys and sorrows of life polymerization



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