
College Students to fall in love美文阅读

时间:2023-07-17 04:09:07 文/秦风学 美文北考网www.beiweimall.com

College Students to fall in love美文阅读

  大学生恋爱 College Students to fall in love

  College students have more freedom thanbefore and they also grow more and more mature in physical and mental. So it isnatural that they would like to fall in love with someone. As a result, campuslove becomes popular in university. For this phenomenon, people opinions vary. In my opinion, I don’t agree with that phenomenon.


  First of all, falling in love with others cost a lot of money. When two people have that kind of relationship, they will go out with each other often. When they are going out, they have to spend more money.During the dating, the boy may try his best to buy things to make the girl happy. While the girl may start to make up or buy more beautiful clothes to make herself look better. All these need money. However, university students are still students. They have no income. Their money is from their parents. Falling in love with someone will increase the burden of their family and themselves.


  In addition, dating will distract students’attention from study. Although college students are growing more and more mature, they are still teenagers having little life experience. Their self-discipline always is not good. If they can’t deal with the relation between study and dating properly, their study always will be given up by themselves. Eventhey won’t give up their study, but it is surely influenced.


  In general, dating in campus is bad for the development of university students. For the sake of their life and study, they should not start a relation while they are still in campus.



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